
The sermon from the Helsinki Mountain Top

What Trump said at the Helsinki news conference with Putin, on 16th July 2018, was bad. Very bad. It was unPresidetial. It sent the press ballistic and liberals hyper ventilating. But it was not a Security Crisis, that the press called it. It was a crisis of Pride. A criticism of his own country on the World Stage.  Whether intentional or not, whether he said "would" instead of "wouldn't", it was Trump's BIG EFFU, to people and the press that criticize and berate him constantly. He couldn't have chosen a more watched venue than this well publicized meeting. Time and again he has said something that the media and Pundits thought would crater him......he emerges stronger. We have seen this before. It could well be he knew exactly what he was doing. What a difference ONE word makes. Ever since Trump threw in his hat to make a bid for the Presidency, the media, Democrats, and his own establishment have been hammering away at him. Actually, it st...

Autonomous Weapons are the Wave of the Future

Autonomous Weapons are the wave of the Future This is scary stuff, but it is going to get real. The following is an article that points to a video that demonstrates the carnage autonomous weapons can inflict: The video is produced by  UC Berkeley professor Stuart Russell and references the website: The organization takes a very "Western" centric view of this issue. Furthermore the proponents of the ban are missing the point entirely. We have past the point of no return. The Genie is out of the bottle. Drone strikes are being conducted by State actors. With miniaturization, this capability will be available in the hands of hobbyists. An anonymous "hit" can be executed by person who remotely controls a little drone with a lethal injection or chemical to get rid of a target in sight while sitting in a car that is eithe...

USA 2100 - The Forthcoming Age of Leisure

While technologists point to the advances in automation that will displace many jobs that humans perform, economists are scratching their heads and are not looking beyond the near future. Sociologists haven't a clue other than forecasting an ominous future. Educators are noting that we are moving towards an unstructured world and our current education system is tailored to a factory oriented assembly line. Technologists, economists, sociologists and educators focus on their own silos of expertise and don't look at the complete picture. Opinions are expressed in the context of the silos of each opinion maker. Politicians are concerned about getting elected, responding to the immediate needs of their constituents and responding to crisis. There needs to be some thought given to what children born today will encounter when they reach middle age and their senior years. There are competing predictions. However there is no analysis that ties it all together in a socioeconomic...

The Rise of Automation

John Maynard Keynes, wrote an article in 1930 titled - Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren where he takes “wings into the future.” What can we reasonably expect the level of our economic life to be a hundred years hence?  His basic premise is that productivity will continue to increase rendering more and more humans jobless. 2030 is more than a decade away and John Maynard's forecast is amazingly on target. Advances in automation, is affecting workers in developed countries and the impact is undeniable. “ Nonemployed - As robots grow smarter, American workers struggle to keep up”: This trend will continue to pick up pace and in the future we will see more and more jobs being performed by robots. So what does the future hold? Watch this video on humans need not apply: And the alarm it raised for the author of the fol...

A Doozy of a Tale

Once upon a time there was a family that lived on a hill. The history of the Amerigo family dates back many generations. Their ancestors braved long and arduous journey and many adversities to arrive at and claim this hill as their very own. The hill they lived on was rich in minerals and the surrounding land was very fertile. The Amerigo family used their good fortunes and innovation to produce all kinds of merchandize consisting of agricultural produce, manufactured goods, minerals etc. Beyond the Amerigo’s land were a number of Villages. Over the years, healthy trading of goods developed between the Villagers and the Amerigo family. Often times the trade consisted of exchanging items, things like shovels were bartered for apples. This bartering system worked fine until things got complicated. And so it was agreed that the Villagers would buy things from the Amerigo family and pay them with slips of paper and little disks (coins). They called this money and referred to it as curre...

Pledge of Alligience, Equality, Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that  all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are  Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness .

God Save America

God save America! New world of glory, Newborn to freedom and knowledge and power, Lifting the towers of her lightning-lit cities Where the flood tides of humanity roar. God save America! Here may all races Mingle together as children of God; Founding an empire on brotherly kindness, Equal in liberty, made of one blood. God save America! Brotherhood banish Wail of the worker and curse of the crushed; Calling the nations to glad federation; Leading the world in the triumph of love. God save America! ’Mid all her splendors, Save her from pride and from luxury; Throne in her heart the unseen and eternal; Right be her might and the truth make her free.