Autonomous Weapons are the Wave of the Future

Autonomous Weapons are the wave of the Future

This is scary stuff, but it is going to get real. The following is an article that points to a video that demonstrates the carnage autonomous weapons can inflict:

The video is produced by UC Berkeley professor Stuart Russell and references the website:

The organization takes a very "Western" centric view of this issue. Furthermore the proponents of the ban are missing the point entirely. We have past the point of no return. The Genie is out of the bottle. Drone strikes are being conducted by State actors. With miniaturization, this capability will be available in the hands of hobbyists. An anonymous "hit" can be executed by person who remotely controls a little drone with a lethal injection or chemical to get rid of a target in sight while sitting in a car that is either stationery or while in motion. If he/she misses, it will be chalked to collateral damage. No need for AI, no need for facial recognition (camera will do) for executing this hit. Anyone who can control a miniature drone can annihilate a target and there will be no traceablility. How are non-state actors going to be stopped? Political Leaders will have to move around in bomb proof enclosures and use holographic images for public appearances. Public figures will have establish a public Avatar so that they can lead a private life. 

On one hand this is an excellent way to neutralize big budget Military spending. On the other hand (I am talking like an economist) the implications are many. For Bharat, this technology is the best way to neutralize Terroristan (Pakistan) and constant needling from China. It obviates the need for boots on the ground, piloted Jet fighters, sitting ducks like Aircraft carriers and heavy artillery. As mentioned in the excellently produced video it makes nuclear weapons obsolete. In the future military arsenal will consist of rockets and drones of various capacities. Whether they are autonomous or remotely controlled is just a degree of sophistication. An army of soldiers can control an army of drones.

There is no stopping technology. What we need to think is how to neutralize this trend. Trying to ban it is like pushing rope. We can't let rogue actors who have this capability utilize it. No amount of surveillance (CCTV, Cell Phone monitoring) will be adequate. At some point this will reach a crisis stage. One solution is Mind Control. Shades of 1984. This will have to start at the preschool level and the mind of the individual checked periodically. Bursts of anger will be monitored and violent actions would be punished. We will have to kiss the Western notion of Democracy and Privacy goodbye. Personal privacy will be a thing of the past. The challenge is to leverage technology while addressing its pitfalls like this one.

Mind control is another frontier that is rapidly progressing. Take a look at this:

What if neutralizing this anonymous hit threat, requires that everyone be embedded with sensors that monitor their thoughts?


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